Thursday, April 23, 2020

Getting By

So here we sit. 

I last got off with another person 40 days, 8 hours and 36 minutes ago.

I still have a few backed up sexcapades to write up, but they are dwindling fast.  If I can’t go out to play I am thinking I will re-post some from the early years of the blog that new readers may have missed.  I know men are reading me—the numbers are very high right now.

I have also seen that this has been a time for a lot of talk—reaching out for any kind of connection.  I have written most of my regulars and I have heard from more readers than ever before.   Also from men lining things up for whenever that day dawns and we can feel at least slightly safer about having sex.

I did want to share one email I got from a long time reader.  It was a little before the outbreak, but it touched on a subject I hadn’t thought of in exactly those terms:

“I just want to thank you.
I'm traveling for work, in Pakistan.
They block most sex-related websites, and I think gay sex and unmarried sex is illegal.
Anyway, your blog isn't blocked, which gives me good opportunity to read 'one-handed'…”

Certainly my blog is biggest in English speaking countries, but thanks to the stats Google supplies, I know I have readers from all over.  Until I got his note, I had never really thought about those reading me where most sex—and certainly the kind of sex I glory in—is suppressed. 

That’s why I love to hear from readers.

So—take care of yourselves.  (I really believe in flattening the curve—and it’s slowly happening here in Michigan, a severely hard hit state.)  Get online and strike up a chat with someone you don’t know but find interesting.  Will the young man I’m talking to in Britain find his way here?  I haven’t a clue, but we both are enjoying the other’s dirty mind.

So here is an inspirational picture.  You can feel free to write me, too—just clean the spunk off your hands before you use the keyboard….


  1. Very thoughtfu!. Thank you so much for keeping us in your thoughts; we likewise you. Till we meet again!

    - Franklin

    1. Yes. Thank you.

      Now, did you get your hands sticky remembering that cock going into you?

  2. Thanks that’s very kind of you :) I last had a little bit of play in August last year - just a wank with someone. Last fuck I had was almost a year ago lol so I do enjoy reading your posts and wondering what it’s like to be you, or around you ;)

    Keep smiling sexy man.

    1. Wow. Now I feel bad about my moaning over "40 days..." I'm glad if this blog helps.

    2. Nah don’t feel bad :) it’s the life of a slave and also the life of someone with a low low libido hehehe I wish I had your drive!!! Your blog definitely helps :) I get to live vicariously through it :)
