Monday, August 31, 2020

Remember Me?


Remember me?

Maybe this will help…

 It’s the most recent dick shot.

I have been holed up here in southwest Michigan.

I’m healthy. 

I was able to work.  To actually do more work than usual this summer.

But Covid-19 took my libido away. 

I stopped having sex March 15 and isolated as instructed.  It was just easier to turn everything off—to not do anything sexual.  I didn’t even want to have sex for most of that time.  I barely jerked off—for that would make me want to do things I wasn’t sure how to do when shared air was the threat.

I have only just started again…slowly.

So for blogging, that means I have two escapades from March and one from August to share.  And an intriguing mail request…


I hope you have delved into the archives while I was gone.  There is a lot of good reading here for guys who are not doing much else.

I should have the first post tomorrow.

I haven’t looked at the blog readership numbers all this time.  I hope there is still someone there who wants to read this…


  1. Always good to see you here. Was just going to send an email to inquire how you are doing, but this popped up! Thanks, FP; no, not forgotten!

    1. Thanks. It feels like the right time to come back to writing. I've missed the connection.

  2. We love you, SIR. Don't worry... all of us pervs? We're not going anywhere. I get the whole libido thing. I went from panting/starvation induced desire to zip. Too scared to do anything. And so... everything has shut down. Could be my age. But more likely anxiety, dread and fear. Glad you are back... though, I think it might be too soon to get out there and play again.

    1. I think that are right that it might be too soon for much of the play I used to do. Maybe I may write a post about how I think I will be navigating getting back to limited sex.

  3. Sure thing post when you can. A lot of us have had A totally different life since Mid March.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. This may have been the longest I have ever been away.

  4. Now this is a welcome sight. All this photo needs is my ass lips grabbing that cock and pulling you in until you're buried deep in my hole.

    1. It sounds like you are well. Thanks for your note.

  5. Always good to see you posting :) keep yourself going as best as you can - we are all struggling with life together sexy pig

    1. It's true. I have done some limited hook ups with men I I have some fodder to write about!
