Friday, April 9, 2021

Well, Here I Am


Thank you to the three guys who commented on the last post.  I am doing well; I am both happy and healthy and loving my new duplex.  I would also like to thank the many men who took the trouble to check in on me during this hiatus—whether they did it via email or on a hook up site or by text. 

I am sure I will be back.  I certainly have a few things to write up--but I have often been celibate for weeks at a time. Somehow during all this, it just felt wrong to record those few meets I managed.  But I will be picking up writing again now--with a few things from my “time away”--but mostly, I think I need to document how I put my toe back in the post vaccination sexual waters.


  1. Good to know. Glad you are healthy and happy. Wizzing you the best :) Kizzes.

  2. There's been a huge void while you've been away. Just glad everything is okay and looking forward to whatever the future holds.

  3. Glad to hear you are doing well!

  4. Thank you all.

    At least, Gary, there was a vast archive of back posts on here to keep you going.

  5. Great to have you back! *sniffs & licks
