Saturday, April 23, 2022

This and That

Well, thank you!  Readership yesterday was huge—and it is continuing to be above average today.  On Friday I had more than four times the number of visitors to the blog than usual.  Maybe it’s spring.  Maybe other men are back to being as randy as I am.  Whatever it is, I am grateful.  I hope I continue to inspire them all. 

I have always had good numbers.  Certainly during the pandemic, when I had little to write about, the numbers went down, but in the last few months readership had bounced back to being just under where it was before March, 2020. 

Suddenly the new goal of 1,750,000 views will be happening a lot faster.  It is still a few months away, but will now be here much faster.


I am going back to CLAW, the leather weekend, in just a few days.  I am not staying at one of the host hotels.  After two years of keeping mostly to myself, I want to be able to decide when I am going to be surrounded by 1000’s of men in leather.  I have arranged some fun things (we hope) to report back to you.  One is something that I have never done before…  (How’s that for a teaser??)

Every year I’ve gone, I have broken the written chronology of my play and typed CLAW up within a few hours of it happening.  This year, I don’t think I will be doing that.  There are two reasons for this:  I will likely not indulge in anywhere as much sex as in years past and I am currently only one month to three weeks behind in my write ups.  I used to be two to three months behind at this point in the year. 

I promise to take good notes.  (And anticipation only makes the orgasm better…)


Which now brings me to my next play date of March.

I wasn’t sure how to write it up.  Jamie, the man who had called me ‘The Hemmingway of Filth” came back for more.  We fucked, we fisted, and he took 3 of my toys.  But he could never quite relax.  I felt he was uptight about the play and his clean out.  We finally just stopped trying to make it work.

My policy of writing up the good, the bad and the odd, makes me mention it here.  I don’t need to devote a whole post to it.  I know he was upset and embarrassed with himself—especially as, I thought, we’d had a very good first meet in December.  I hope if he is still a reader, that he will see this and know I would love to try again when and if he is ready.

I will link his first meet here:  Giving His Ass to ‘The Hemmingway of Filth’


Finally, I had to go back into the archive of posts to check a name.  I read a number of other posts around the same time as the one I needed to see.  Damn!  There is good stuff lurking back there—even if I say so myself.  Here is one that I had forgotten about and might be new to a lot of the current readers who have just found the blog.

A link to:  Graduation Present


Have a great Saturday.  I hope to publish my March trip to CumUnion tomorrow.


  1. Hope I get a chance to say "Hello" to you at CLAW.

    1. I will be around. I would love to find you at another pit party!
