Thursday, December 29, 2022

FP Goes to New Jersey

 I feel like I have been silent for a bit.  There is nothing bad happening here—things have been quite good, actually. 

I was to leave a few days before the 25th to spend the holiday with my brother and his partner in New Jersey.  Originally, I told them I would drive in to keep me out of two crowded airports and a packed airplane.  Then that huge winter storm was announced.  I decided to leave on the 19th and be there long before the weather changed.

So that’s what I did.  This was my first trip to see them since the pandemic.  We had missed two Christmases—and we needed to catch up.   

I took two days to drive in, five hours each day.  I wasn’t prepared for how tired that still left me after day two.  All went fine though.  We celebrated his partner’s birthday, their wedding anniversary and Christmas.  With all that I managed to publish two posts while I was there—and play twice with my fisting bud, Rudy.

I waited to come home until I thought the Pennsylvania roads would be clear, stopping again at the halfway point.  I made great time and made it home yesterday.  But I have been useless today.  Sitting at the keyboard and owing you a post.  Hopefully tomorrow…


Here's hoping you all had as restful a holiday as I did...

Tom of Finland does Christmas.


  1. Belated Happy Holidays... Wishing you the very best in the New Year, my friend. Have fun tonight!
