Saturday, March 3, 2012

Writing sex or having it....

I apologize for the silence of what is obviously a story meant to continue...

Work has been all time consuming.  The work from all those business trips came due...

And today, when I had time to write, I chose to have sex--real, live, hot, wet sex.  Instead of write about it...

And now I have a couple of hot stories to tell in the near future.  But I promise to get back to the St Louis party...

Maybe tomorrow morning.  If the house boy brings me my coffee early enough...


  1. No worries about taking time off. Glad to hear you had some time for fun and that it wasn't all work. Tell the houseboy he'll have to answer to me if he doesn't take good care of you. I can put on a stern face if I want to.


    1. It was worth the time away fromthe blog--and gave me three more future posts--so it was good on a number of levels.

      The houseboy is a problem. He knows I take my coffee with cream. He just never remembers whether it's Dairy or I wait forever to get a cup...

    2. Glad you are doing well. Work is an evil necessity these days. I would definitely take sex over writing about past sex. I know which cream you would be getting in your coffee if I was there. ;)


    3. This is my second busiest time of year for work--but I've managed to get in a great weekend of sex. And now finished up reporting on St Louis.
