Saturday, May 25, 2019

IML Lite

About the time this auto-posts, I will be on the road to IML in Chicago.  I have been telling men that I am doing IML Lite this year due to my work schedule.  I am headed in for the massive piss party and a Cum Union held in the Hole at a leather bar.  I am staying north of town, near those two events, not at the host hotel, the main hub of the weekend. 

I will also not write up these two events “live” as I have before—there are just two not over half a dozen in three or four days as in years past.  I have had a quieter spring, so we will get to them fairly fast.  And my summer of work is fast approaching—so it will give me something to write up when my other play is limited.

So, the leather is packed, as are the boots reserved to get sopping wet.

Chicago here I come!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, I intend to. Just checked in to my hotel. I have an hour to hydrate like crazy!!
