Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Art In My Playroom (Part 3)


I got inundated with a number of special projects these last two days, and so the latest post about my bathhouse behavior got tabled. 



 This piece is on the wall to the side of the sling.  I really like it, but I can’t tell you much about it.  I think I clipped it from a magazine years ago.  It could have come from a stroke may like In Touch of Blue Boy, but I’m thinking it was an illustration from Out magazine, which I read religiously in its early days.  While it is similar in style to Tom of Finland or Etienne I am fairly sure it is not by either of them.


If any of my readers recognize the artist, I would love to give that person credit.  Drop me a line in the comments or at felchingpisser@gmail.com.


  1. Beautiful artwork.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, guys. I do like the fact that there is no photography on my playroom walls, as hot as that can be...I love good drawing...
