Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Changes From Blogger (part two)


Before we get back to business as usual around here there is an issue with Blogger I should mention.  In June of 2021 they announced they were phasing out the service of sending each post to subscribers who signed up to get it.  I removed the sign up from the title page as it sounded like it was happening within the month.  Well, a year later they actually have stopped sending my subscribers the posts within 24 hours of my writing them.  I know this as I had added myself as a way to archive each post.

My response was to create a database of readers.  They receive notifications that a post is up.  I write a slight message and send a link to the just published post.  If anyone else would like to be added to that database, now that you aren’t hearing from Blogger, drop me a line at felchingpisser@gmail.com.

The list of email addresses is visible to others, so you likely don’t want to use your office email to get the notifications.   Consider getting a gmail account—so you can also easily comment on posts.  After all—I do like to hear from my readers.


Below is a link to the first time I offered this service.


  1. Yeah as per the previous post last year - I find it annoying of the functionality lost over time… I’ve had to manually add “bigbluebear” as the comment name since it won’t recognise my google account now… sigh

    1. I do begin to wonder if they would just like to ditch blogger. It is 'very old' in computer terms.

      It looked like counting our hits was going to be another battle with them--but that one resolved itself in 24 hours.
