Sunday, May 7, 2023

New Blogs, IML Preparations and an Old Picture

 So, while I finish up this contract at the top of this week, here are a few random thoughts.


New Blogs

I was happy to see two new blogs recently that I want to bring to your attention.

Daddy sent me a link to his in the comments of the last post.  I have not had much time to peruse it, but it is always great to see how some other active player plays.  Take a look at Going Deeper (inside strange men).  Going Deeper (inside strange men) (


Daddy Scruff, long time blogger and friend of From My Side of the Sling lost his blog fairly recently.  He has started up another.  Please support his new, self named, effort—it is a great mix of erotica, photography and life experiences.  Daddy Scruff (



I am in the process of making my reservations for IML.  I have decided that I will not stay at the host hotel, as I am participating in three major sex events that are all north of town.  I will be staying at an infamous cum-dump motel, so I will certainly have other men to keep me busy beyond the three events.

You will likely read about IML pretty much as it happens.  My back log of sex to write up is fairly slim right now—and I will likely be caught up on what happened in April—and early May—before I head to the leather weekend.



One more from a very young FP.  2007.  At a monthly orgy.  A very hot top is rimming me.  By the end of the evening he was bottoming for me…


  1. I finally got Going Deeper into the blog roll.

  2. Thank you for sharing my blog! Tonight's entry has a video; I'm curious to see how it goes over.
