Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Accident

 Near Home—May, 2024


After my great breeding of the young daddy on Saturday, I was quite content.  Coming up, I had a bathhouse visit to play with Osvaldo, the Latin young man who loves to film me using him.  Of course, I ended up wanting more before that trip was to happen.  I went to my usual bookstore.

But something was up.  There were only two cars in the lot.  And a series of barricades along the front of the building.  I went in.  The manger greeted me.  Before I could ask, she told me…

A few days earlier, before 7am, a drunk driver, going at least 70 miles an hour in the middle of downtown, had careened off the street in front of the store and smashed into the west wall of the building, demolishing it.  This wall was the common wall that held the large television screens for the side-by-side theatres I love.  The car continued on into the gay theatre, causing the wall that separates the two theatres to collapse into the straight theatre.  The car wound up right where I usually sit, its bumper smashing the cocksucker’s seat.  The car, or the falling masonry, destroyed every chair in both theatres.  The television screen in the gay theatre was broken into such tiny bits, they couldn’t even find recognizable pieces.  The other screen, in the straight theatre was also destroyed.

If it had happened while we were all here, she concluded, people would have surely been killed.

There are plans to bring back a version of the theatres.  It looks like the arcade will be torn out as no one is using it now.  Everyone prefers the theatres.  The arcade space will become one big viewing area with many screens showing a wider variety of porn.  The price will go up.  The old space, rebuilt will become retail area or storage.

This changes so much in my sex routine.  It was such a good, cheap way to actually mingle with men and get off the apps (that are spotty, at best, in west Michigan.)  It may impact how often I go.  And so many questions…Will actual play be an option in the new space?  Will the regulars pay more?  Or even return—though there is no other real option in this area.

It may even impact how often I write a blog post.  The other two sex venues that are ‘close’ are two or three times the distance from my home.


This is self-posting on Saturday.  I will be in Chicago.  It’s IML weekend.  I am doing IML Lite again.   I am seeing friends and going to the massive piss party hours after this piece posts.  Details to come.


I can’t stop thinking about what would have happened if the accident had happened in the afternoon—on his way home from drinking his lunch.  At least I’d have gone out with a hard cock…


  1. What an unfortunate turn of events. Luckily it happened in off hours. Sad though since it was your "go to venue" for convenience's sake. As you say, who knows what it may be like when it finally reopens. They may decide to make it a more upscale establishment which won't attract the clientele that is there to play. Here's hoping.....
    I was certain Chicago would be calling you this weekend. We can't wait to read what sort of misadventures you manage to find for your pleasure.

    1. The manager told me that people from the head office came to assess the damage and saw a string of men being turned away with the cinemas closed. She had pointed out how much business it brought in--and they had visual proof. I believe that work has begun on the massive re-do of the arcade--but how long it will take is anyone's guess.

      I will be working harder at getting people into the playroom--we shall see.

      My short IML visit went VERY well. You will be hearing the stories pretty fast--as I have only one other adventure to write about before IML.

  2. That is absolutely terrible! I just Thank God everyone is alright. The owners sounds like cool people. I just hope that if and when they do reopen it will still be a sex positive place to go. In my certain parts of California when things like that happen either they close for good or they remodel "Improving" the place but really doing nothing more than taking away great features and replacing them with features no one wants. Again I cannot stress this enough. I am so glad no one was in there when this occurred.

    1. I like the sound of the new space they are talking about--and I think started on. I just don't know if it will be a space we can play in. We shall see. It's not just a west coast thing. I see 'improvements' all the time that really don't make anything better.
