Sunday, June 23, 2024

The IML Glorious Threeway Just Keeps on Giving…

 Last night was the massive Fornication Party.  There is no way I could put a coherent full post together.  (You’ll hear about it in about 10 days.)


Chicago—May, 2024

I got a text from Seth after I posted about our fun.  He’d looked at his phone and realized he had some pictures of the threeway he could share with you.   We didn’t take many, as we were too intent on the sex.  But here are a few…


This is Miles in Seth.

FP rimming Seth.

FP fucking Seth.

 And a gratuitous shot of Miles before we began…

A link to the original post is here:   Glorious Threeway  —where there are more pictures.


  1. Knowing the back story to these photos adds another level of sexiness. It's terrible knowing we'll have to wait another 10 days before hearing about all your sexcapades at Fornication.

    1. It will likely be a little quicker until I start to talk about Fornication--but the main event is likely to wait that long. I have three posts to write before the drive to Fornication. There are a couple of things there before the big party. The lag time is helpful in two ways: it gives me some reflection time and I am also waiting on a list of where the content creators I played with post their material.
