Friday, June 22, 2012

The Sex Party That Wasn't

Detroit--May, 2012

The weekend after all the fun in my playroom, was supposed to be my third trip to Cum-Union, but the party was cancelled.  More bad sex in May.  It seemed like an ideal time to support a fellow Michigan pig who was trying to organize a monthly gathering.  30 some guys had rsvp-ed.  But I knew how that would go.  We'd be lucky to get 10...but if they were the right ones, that could be a terrific evening.

I drove to Detroit.  The far side of Detroit.  I arrived on the dot of  8:00pm.  The host and a fuck bud of his were busy as I arrived, doing some major fisting.  A third guy I've played with before answered the door.  I stripped down and tried to get out of "drive" mode and into sex mode.  I watched them clean up from the fist scene.  Soon enough I was hard--and then in all three asses in the next 30 minutes.  Two guys arrived.  It was a good beginning.

The guy who was taking the fist when I arrived, finally identified himself as the first man I'd fucked at my first Cum-Union party.  That was nicest moment of the evening---for when it was obvious no one else was showing up in the appointed time frame, the host declared the party was over--"Oh, finish up what you're doing, but we're done...."  I looked at my watch.  65 minutes.    I'd driven twice that long to get there.

I pulled out of the ass I was fucking, put on my jeans and left.

I believe I thanked the host. 


So I've  included a picture to brighten up this unhappy post.


  1. That really sucks buddy, I wish my hairy pussy was waiting in your bed, jockstrapped and poppered up, ready to be bred after that.

    Pakistani Pussyboi

    1. Oh, so do'd have gotten a nice angry fuck and I'd guess a huge load....

  2. What a bummer, having to drive all that far for so little action!

    1. I should have gone to the bathhouse after I got nowhere near enough play at the party--but I was so angry I knew it would affect potential hook-ups there. I just went home.

      Thanks for speaking up. I love meeting new readers.

  3. FP,

    WOW.....short party especially after a drive that was longer. Hope you get some good play soon.

