Monday, December 4, 2023

Getting Jabbed

 Just about the moment I post this, I will be leaving to get my Covid booster for the year.  If it is like the other Covid shots I’ve gotten, it will knock me out for a few hours—and then I will feel fine.  But those hours are when I should be writing a new post for today.

So I will put it off until tomorrow.

I will say it is very odd to no longer have the lag of writing things up 6 to 8 weeks after the event.  I am now at two weeks to 10 days.  And with traveling for Christmas, there is the potential that I will run out of hook-ups to record…


Today’s illustration was sent to me by GaryM.  He suggested it needed to go on the wall in the playroom.  It does fit right in.  I wish I could read the artist’s name.  I would like to see more of his(?) work. 


  1. I tried looking for the artist too without any luck. It looks like the signature is MattR. I had my covid and flu shots a couple weeks ago. Some tiredness afterwards but it quickly passed. Hope you are as fortunate

    1. I goggled 'MattR gay graphic artist' and got interesting things...but nothing that was in a similar style.

      After all my shots, flu or covid, about 45 minutes after I get it, I just need to nap for an hour to prevent a headache. It works and I'm fine.

  2. Replies
    1. I really like it. I would love to see more from the artist.
