Friday, December 15, 2023

Truly Worth a Thousand Words


I needed to take a break from writing today.  I have published all my play sessions in November and, while I have some good sex to write about from December, I don’t have a lot of them. 

Once again, I am going to see my gay brother and his partner in New Jersey for the holidays.  And I do mean it in the plural.  During the week there it will be my birthday, the partner’s birthday, their wedding anniversary, oh, and Christmas.


I found this picture on a forum I belong to and where I republish the blog.  I love pictures that create a whole story in your mind—of what came before and what is about to happen.  This one does it for me.  I only wish I was there to help…


  1. Have an awesome visit, Birthday and Christmas

    1. Thank you, I will try to. It helps that I know (and use) a hot fist pig within walking distance of my brother's place...
