Monday, July 1, 2024

Fornication Weekend 2024 Part One: The Trip and Arrival

Home—June, 2024

So, it was time for Fornication Weekend.  With the drive I had to make, it really became Fornication Week.  I packed the car on Monday night, June 17.  This year I was at a hotel 19 miles from the campground (the closest city with better motels.)  I had made my reservations a little later this year, and by the time I knew I could go, all the lodging at the camp was full.  And I wasn’t spending the weekend roasting in my tent.  I packed my tea kettle, books, lube, two sets of boots and jocks along with the usual clothes, etc.  I took the sling.  I put the rimseat in the car—and then took it out again.  I’d barely used it last year and I wanted to travel a little lighter.

I was up early and hit the road before 9 am on the 18th.  Today I was headed to Lexington, KY, a little over halfway there.  The drive was easy.  But hot.  We were just starting that week of higher than usual June temperatures.  I got to Lexington in the middle of the afternoon. Hot and tired.  I had chosen Lexington because it had a bookstore…and I knew that a day of driving to a sex event would likely make me randy…


Lexington, KY—June, 2024

The video store is easy to fine—basically on the same street as my hotel.  I go in.  They have both an arcade and a theatre.  I choose the theatre, of course.  It is small.  Three rows of very comfortable seats on the left. And a leather couch on the right.  There are two chairs against the back wall on the side of the couch.  I sit in the middle row of seats.  The porn is adequate and straight.  I idly wonder, with only the one room, if they have an all-male day on some day of the week.  I take my cock out.

A man comes in.  He looks to be half my age.  He sits at the back behind the couch.  I hear his zipper open.  He glances around and suddenly sees me.  He literally gasps in surprise.  “I am so sorry,” he stutters as he stands, trying to stuff his package back in his pants and zip it up at the same time.  “I will leave you to it.”  He is out the door, letting it bang behind him.

I stroke.

The video gets better. 

The door opens again.  A different man comes in.  He is likely my age or a little younger.  He nods.  I nod.  He unzips and takes out his cock.  I can’t really see it.

He makes a comment on the dick up on the screen.

I agree with him.

A long pause.

“You need help with that big dick?”


He comes and sits next to me.  He’s really very handsome, dark blond hair—still full on his head, his forearms and, with his open shirt, his chest.  He reaches for my dick.  I am anticipating the clench and pull, that men so often do, but his hand encircles me gently.  It feels great.  He strokes.  He adds some spit.  It feels even better.  I can see the ache in his eyes.  He is struggling on whether to suck me or not.  He gives in.  He leans down and takes me into his mouth.  He groans.  A groan that almost turns into a whimper.

He pulls off me.  Panting.  He goes to his knees to get a better angle.  And he begins to suck me in earnest.  I ruffle his hair and tell him he’s doing a good job.  And he is.  Not superlative, but very nice.  He is definitely cock hungry.

“Lick my balls.”

He does.  For a brief second.  He can’t stay off the shaft.  And my cock head, which is beginning to drip.

“Let me know when you’re going to shoot…”

He’s one of those—he is now spitting to the side regularly.  If he won’t swallow my precum, he certainly won’t take my load.  Any chance I might have shot a load quickly recedes. 

And his knees are soon tired.  He gets up.  Thanks me.  And leaves.

I stay another thirty minutes, but no one else arrives.  I decide the Dutch crime drama I have been watching on PBS Passport will be a better use of my evening…


Bull’s Gap, TN—June, 2024

I leave earlier the next day.  I am making great time.  Until The traffic stops dead.  There is an accident and it shuts down I-75 for a full hour as it covers both southbound lanes.  I sit in the now baking heat.

We eventually get going, but I don’t hit a normal road speed until I get well into Tennessee.  I find the hotel easily.  It’s even better than I expected and will be worth the commute into the campground.  I unpack, relax for bit, and decide to see if I can if I can help with the set up at the campground.


Timberfell Resort—June, 2024

It takes really no time at all to get the few extra miles to Timberfell.  Parking is crowed—but I eventually find a place.  I head to the pool area.  It is quite full.  Men of every age, but skewing younger this year with all the content creators.  I check in with Ray Dalton’s right-hand man.  It being the day before it all starts, he doesn’t have our check-in materials yet.  I step over to the new automated system to buy my campground day pass.  I have three resident campers surround me.  They remember me from last year—which makes me smile.

“Hello, Mr.Wolfe.”  (He actually remembered my porn name??!!)

“Glad you’re back…”  says the second.

“Let me show you how this goes…it’s tricky.”  (He’s right.  I am glad the third man shows me how to register—as I’ll have to do it daily this year.)

We chat a little more.  I tell them that I am here for the whole weekend.

“With your sling?”

I nod and they go off.  I tell Ray’s assistant, who I’d gotten to know quite well last year, I was available to help.  We go off to the huge, enclosed seating area at the other end of the pool, where there is a bar and some food service.   

There are boxes everywhere, covering the tables.
  We unpack them.  They are all free samples from the various sponsors for the event.

We find the hand stamp that says Fornication Weekend.  It is my job to stamp the brown bags before they get stuffed.  Several of the men from GangBangGuys help fill the bags.  They have a couple of events where they are looking for tops.  I make a mental note to find out more.

We work into the evening, filling 300 of them and then carrying them to the registration tent.  

I am now ready to head back to the hotel.  I say my goodbyes and head toward my car.  I make a quick tour of the play area, but no one is there.  I know I will be getting plenty of sex the next few days, I can take a night off…


As this introduction of things to come was light on sex, here is a reprint of my final fuck of David Benjamin at my first Fornication Weekend.  And there are a couple of pictures of us…


  1. Sounds like a low key but still fun time. I really love that sexual tension with a guy when he knows he wants my dick but slightly hesitate still figuring each other out. Something about that unknown that is hot as hell. and then when it finally happens, Hell Yes! lol I'm glad he knew how to properly stroke you. those aggressive grabbers can hurt like hell.

    1. I agree on all your points. It was good way to unwind from the drive--an orgasm was not necessary. The tension is why I like to cruise in public. And I like thinking that he will be thinking about my dick for a long time...

  2. Loved reading about David Benjamin. So glad he's back in the porn biz and bareback, at that.

    1. Sorry that Blogger decided you were spam. But I found it. David is wonderful--to look at and to fuck. I, too, am glad he's back in porn. His interactions with me are/were exactly what Fornication Weekend is all about!
