Friday, July 12, 2024

Fornication Weekend 2024 Part Six: This and That or Loose Ends

 Timberfell Resort—June, 2024

I slept late, for me, on Sunday, after the party.  I made it down to the motel breakfast (I splurged and made a waffle—some sugar, please!)  I went back to the room and wrote up the picture post about the IML Threeway.  I was tired, no doubt about it.  I had expended a tremendous amount of fuck energy at the Fornication Party.  I finally drove in to the campground.  The sling frame was still there and needed to be packed.

I checked in.  Only then, when I sat down to talk to Ric at the Fornication booth, did I realize I’d missed the Sunday brunch there.  I didn’t realize it was not just for the folks staying on site.  Which was a shame, as my only real regret about not staying at the resort was that I had really liked the communal meals we had there last year.  It was a great way to get to know people. 

I went off to pack up the frame and get it into my car.  I met Allen Silver on the way.  I told him I missed him at the party; I’d hoped we would connect again.  He apologized—saying that he was set to head up to it, when some stomach issues after his dinner changed his mind.  His hug was as good as a fuck…


So here are some random thoughts about the event.

Content Creators:  You can see that there were lots of them.  Over 40.  I have not listed everyone’s details.  I have listed the guys I had interactions with during the weekend.  And here are a few more.

Jordi Massive was once again a great presence at the weekend.  During the interviews I recorded for Ray, I was told repeatedly that his discussion on content creation was wonderful.  I didn’t attend it this year.  My content creation is a little different...and is right here.

Jordi Massive


IG: jordimassive

JFF: jordimassivexxx

OF: jordimassivexxx

I mentioned Matt Coven when he was leading the BDSM forum with Sir Kirk. I should have looked harder for him at the Fornication party.

Matt Coven


IG: @Matt_Coven

OF: @Matt_Coven

RFC: @Matt_Coven

 When I was talking to Allen Silver the first time,

he remembered exactly who the Professor had chosen for the motel party where we’d met.  Cain Marko was one of the other men.  I reminded Cain of it, sometime on Sunday.  He had fond memories of that event, too.  Later, I went back to my write up.  In the post there was one man who I gave a fictional name to, as he was not in porn.  Well, it was Cain.  He had not filmed anything at the time.  I will make adjustments to the old post…

Cain Marko


JFF: cainmarkoxxx

OF: cainmarkoxxx


And a thank you to Ric, for accepting my help and keeping me busy—and becoming a really good friend along the way.  Here he is with Ray.  A huge thank you to Ray for creating this weekend!


One last moment.  After the party on Saturday, I tossed my empty lube bottle in my bag.  I added the sling chains and stirrups and rolled the sling up.  I wanted to take them to the car, so they weren’t outside all night.  It wasn’t heavy, but I was exhausted—and elated.  Adding to David-SF’s ass full of cum had been the perfect ending for me.  Our sex had been explosive—but there was that intangible something extra about it, too.

I started to trudge up the hill to my car.

There he was, naked but for his jock and boots.  David grabbed me.  And just held on.  I must have dropped my bag, for my arms went around him.  We kissed.  Lightly.  Then deeply.  I murmured a “Thank you.”

He nodded.  Then whispered in my ear: “It’s all about connection…”


 My favorite picture of David.

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