Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Two Million Strong


 Well, well.  It’s time for a little celebration.  Moments ago, we hit the 2,000,000 visitors mark here at From My Side of the Sling.    Two million!  With fourteen years of posts to savor...

As I have said before, I know that men who post a ton of pictures of naked men likely get outlandishly higher numbers—and much faster.  I know I am not a mainstream site.  Not even a gay mainstream site, so I am rather proud of where we are.

You’ve also heard me say that the number of daily visitors has slipped in the last six to eight months.  While we are not totally back to what we had before, the number of daily hits has been steadily climbing lately.  I hope it continues.

I wouldn’t be writing this post if I did not have loyal readers.  Thank you.  Whether you have been here from the first or found this site last week, I appreciate your presence here.  And to those who take the time to comment, a special thank you for keeping the site interactive.

I still love sharing my sex life.  I still believe in telling the truth—not jacking up my accounts into the world of fiction.  There are still lots of places my dick is going to lead me—and you’ll hear all about it…


  1. A warm congratulations! I look forward to the continuing journey you have to share with us

    1. Thank you. In 2011, I really wasn't sure I had anything new to say. And now you can't shut me up....

  2. Congrats! Can’t wait to read where your dick and tongue go. It has kept me boned reading your stuff for a few years now.

    1. Thank you--and thank you for speaking up! My dick and I have a couple of sex trips on the books for spring and early summer. It should make for some good reporting.

  3. It's difficult to even comprehend a number like that. It truly is something to celebrate. Those popular sites that offer an endless stream of beautiful men serve their purpose as a means to escape into a fantasy world. But your blog offers a unique window into a more realistic world. A world that so many of us can relate to and find intensely fulfilling knowing it's out there, and within our grasp, even if we only enter that realm and experience it vicariously through your exploits. Indeed, a milestone to celebrate.

    1. Thank you, as always. I can certainly think of a number of sites where the writer reports his sex factually. I am not sure that number was as high when I started this. I still enjoy sharing my exploits. And I love looking back over the chronicle myself. Every time I do, I find something/someone I had forgotten about...and I love re-living it.

  4. Congrats on your milestone! ALWAYS enjoy reading about you planting your load!

    1. Thank you. Always good to see you in the comments section!
